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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

OXFAM Media Invitation


Bouncing Forward: Adaptation and Risk Reduction Solution that Work-

A regional learning forum in BINDS project, a climate adaptation and risk reduction project in Mindanao.

Climate change through extreme weather events, rapidly changing climate patterns and slow onset impacts drastically alter an agricultural community's coping and adaptive mechanism. Through funding support from the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), International aid group Oxfam has pioneered a climate adaptation and risk reduction project in the most vulnerable municipalities in Mindanao through its Building Resilient and Adaptive Communities in Mindanao (BINDS) project.

This regional learning forum will feature the best practices on climate change adaptation and serves as platform for communities to raise their voices on what needs to be done by policy makers and stakeholders to increase the resiliency of agricultural food producers.
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